Trixie - 11

Trixie on a Blanket getting Sexy

Hello All,

Beau is away for a little while (globetrotting and having fun), but he insisted that I not get bored during his absence (and sent me some dares to get me going). So, I just couldn't let him down and decided to have a little fun. (Ok - maybe I couldn't resist) Here it goes....

A spectacular male buddy of mine came to the rescue. So, we took a long drive down winding country roads in his sports car to his cabin in the mountains. On the schedule: NOTHING, except relaxation!

We got to the cabin and immediately he found the chaise lounge. While he laid back and got compfy, I slipped into the skimpiest little black lingerie that I own and a little black dress (the slinky one with silver, one of Beau's favorites). I walked out onto the deck and the dress blew him away. He had the hardest cock EVER just waiting for me to do as I pleased. I couldn't resist and shoved it immediately into the back of my throat. I thought he might explode on impact, so I slowed it down and just teased with my tounge and lips on the tip for a little bit. Any time his moans got too ferocious, I slowed down to keep him wanting more. Eventually, I thought I couldn't make him hold out any longer and stood back a bit to discard the dress.

He hadn't noticed that there was more under the dress (or at least he didn't let on). This made him beg for more. I pushed him all the way back in the chaise lounge and slid my soaking, dripping wet pussy over his face and lips, then immediately slid it down to his rock hard cock. I rode him as hard as I could. (a note to anyone who's wondering.....chaise lounges are great - your knees hang over the sides, so no rug-burn and it's as deep as it could possibly go). Before he came, I got off (twice!) and then laid down myself (well - all fours). Holding onto the back of the chaise lounge, he forced himself inside of me and rocked me hard. WOW!!

But that's not the story we got pics of....he's never taken pics before, so he insisted we get those in the day light so that they would turn out better. He had also NEVER fucked outside before. Sunday afternoon we walked out to the point overlooking the mountains in the distance....fully prepared for a "picnic" with blanket, water bottle (it was hot outside), and camera. He grabbed a few pics and then rode me hard.

I hope you enjoy!!! Any more dares??

Happy daring.
Comments welcomed.

Trixie & Beau - trixiepics123 @

Trixie on the Bed

Trixie on the Bed



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