Exposed at the Beach

Aussie Girl - 4

Exposed at the Beach



Firstly would like to say thank you again to everyone who sent us an email, we are trying to reply to you all but there are a lot to get through and we are very sorry if we missed you.

After our little swim with another couple we head back to spread out on our towels and get some sun. As we started getting out of the water, a car was coming down the beach towards us, (by the way, vehicles are allowed to drive on this beach). It was too late to run back into the water and we were never going to make our car, we looked at each other and said, "here we go" and stood in the middle of the beach naked as, as a car drove past within 5m of us. The couple in the car stared straight at us giving us a friendly nod.

As we got to our towels I said to Aussie Girl, "How was that?' she said, "Awesome". I said, "Not the swim, the car driving past us?", she replied, "That's what I was talking about."

From then on we couldn't help it, every time a car or someone would come past us, Aussie Girl would put herself on display, bending over, spreading her legs or just standing straight up to give them a perfect view. Every picture in this post was what others saw of Aussie Girl while walking or driving past.

A fully clothed guy in his early 40's came walking towards us and we could see he was going to pass within 10m of us. I said to Aussie Girl "Spread your legs for him and stare straight at him with a smile". She was reluctant, so I said, "Pretend it's S G, he has seen you completely naked already and you were doing far worse stuff than this." (S G is a guy we talk with, a TorDP fan, he'll know who we mean).

She thought about it, propped herself up on her elbows then opened her legs. The guy walking past didn't know where to look, he was looking at Aussie Girl then forward then at Aussie Girl, in the end he couldn't help himself and kept looking at her spread legs. See the 2nd last pic, that was exactly how she was when he passed. I grabbed my camera and had to get that pic.

After our clothed guy experience, she was really spreading her legs as cars drove past and as you can see, they were passing pretty close. I can't believe it but the last pic was taken as a car drove past. We aren't usually this open with nudity but the whole experience, seeing others nude got the better of us. We still cant believe we did such a thing but we will do it again.

Stay tuned for part 3 of Aussie Girl on display.

Aussie Girl - EMAIL ME!!



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