Trish - 6

Flashing a Stranger


Ah Autumn...'tis the season for candy, thrills...and my personal favorite: Skimpy Costumes!! Cole and I thought up a dare that took several attempts to get just right, but what we managed was a blast and thanks to our awesome guest photographer, the pics came out great!

So a little back story: Halloween is my (Trish) FAVORITE holiday!! So I went to try on some costumes. Cole was unable to go with me, but loves when I send him pics from the dressing room, as I was sending him some he came up with the idea to get the attendant to take some sexy pics for me. I'll admit, at first the idea kinda made me nervous, but the more I thought about it the more turned on I was, and the more I thought it would be a fantastic dare!

Over the next few days, I gave it several tries, but the conditions never seemed just right. I went to many stores where there was just one dressing room-but it was facing out to the entire store including children, or the costumes sucked, or there were only female attendants. Finally, Cole and I struck gold! We found a costume shop on a Friday afternoon, and decided to give it one last try. We went in, I scoped out the attendants and saw a young, good looking man behind the counter, there were multiple dressing rooms, and it was somewhat busy-JACKPOT!!

I gathered up several sexy costumes, and walked up to the dressing rooms. I decided to be honest with the attendant. I asked him if he would mind taking some pictures of me in the costumes. I know they aren't supposed to, so I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with it first-he agreed and I left him my phone to snap pics with. I tried on a few and kept it PG at first. Then with my next set I motioned for him to come back to the room with me. He had already commented how gorgeous I looked, and was very cool about the pics so I was hoping he'd be down for the next part.

I pulled him in close and whispered in his ear "Would you mind taking some more revealing ones?" He nodded emphatically. Perfect. I had several different costumes with me, mostly ones with zippers in front for easy access..."O"-our lovely photographer, blocked the curtain opening with his body as we snapped the first pic where I pulled the zipper down and showed him my hard pierced nipples while he snapped the picture for me, I struck poses for several more photos, then went for another costume change. "O" began watching for the flutter of the curtain-knowing I was ready for the next shot. The pics were getting better and better, with the last one being my favorite since he is featured...

I gently took his left hand and placed it over my warm left breast. I know he must have felt my heart beating, I was so excited to have a complete stranger touching me. As we reviewed the pics in the dressing room, I grinned with glee and couldn't help but give him a kiss of gratitude on the cheek. He returned it with an equally sweet kiss on the lips. I could feel him warm and breathless like me, taking a risk and leaning down to kiss me gently but firmly. After the kiss we stood close to each other and he asked if there was "anything else I all??" I thanked him, but said no thank you. He asked me if he could get a pic for himself, I did allow him that since he had been so helpful. And I slipped him a piece of paper with the link to my pics.

A special Thank You to "O" for being so awesome and cooperative!! And for the kiss! ;)

I hope you all enjoy! As usual we love getting feedback from our viewers! Comments/ideas/compliments are very welcome! We're continuing our map challenge, if you take the time to write please send us your location so we can stick a thumbtack on our world map. If you're outside the states, please send your country, if within, please send your state!

trishandcole @

C & T ;)
















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