So Cole and I have started a new tradition! For those of you who have followed my posts for some time you�ll know that I like to take self-pics for Cole in addition to the fun pics we take together.
Our newest tradition is called �Perv Week�, Cole provides me with a theme for every day of the week, and I get creative and take pics for each day�s theme ;-) We�ve been having a lot of fun with it, and have tried to get some friends involved in the fun!
Here are some pics of Perv Week #1, hopefully to be followed up with Perv Week #2 and so on�
This Perv Week we have for you viewing pleasure:
Mounds Monday, Towel Tuesday, Wet Wednesday, Thong Thursday, Frisbee Friday, See-through Saturday, and Sunny Sunday! ;-)
We�d love to hear from you! Email us with comments, suggestions for Perv Week, your own submissions, suggestions for dares, or just say hi!
As always please include your location with any emails so we can add it to our map :)
Trish and Cole - trishandcole @ yahoo.com