This is contract me and my fiance made up and I thought it was perfect to share with you.
C`s Contract:
Srarting 7-7-12 C entered upon my own free will into a sexual contract with my fiance D. Where I grant him complete acces to myself and my body when ever and where ever he chooses. I will listen and obey him if he asks me to perform, wear, not wea or any other such request with out question or hesitation. I agree that failure to do any such request may result in me being punished, punishment will be determined by D but a normal punishment will be a spanking over the knee of my fiance. When the kid is present or when any family member is present I will not be asked to perform or be expected to entertain my fiance. I will not be asked to do anything that might harm myself in any physical or mental way but might be asked to do things that pushs my limits or make me uncomfortable and fully understand and look forward to pushing my limits.
Daily tasks- After the kid has gone to bed I will refrain from wearing a bra and will put on more appropriate clothing for my fiance to enjoy. I will wear clothing that exposes much more of my body thn would normally be decent inpublic areas. I will ensure to find my fiance and find out if therre is anything I can dofor hmm at least once each day. I will also make sure that I follow my fiance to bed at least 3 times a week to ensure I am making myself availible to him.
Weekly- I will initiate or start sex with my fiance at least once a week when initiating sex I will flaunt my body and wear very liitle ( smaller than normal nights ) or nothing at all and take charge either by saying what I want or simply by doing it. I will also at least once a week perform an exhibitionist task or activity either alone ( meaning I am the only one being exposed) or with my fiance. I will not complain or say that is too risky and understand that my fiaance will not put me in harms way but may purposely expose me as I am a closet exhibisionist and love every minet of it.
Things I will do in the next Six months
1- Have sex with my fiance while a couple ( man and women ) watch us (in the same room)
2- Have anal sex with my fiance
3- Take a sexcation with my fiance si I can fully give myself to him
4- Have sexx outside during the day ( obviously the right location will have to be foud to be expose but not get arrested).
Sex- During sex I will not be dressed at all and will remain nude untill all activites are done no matter where the location is, it is my responsibilty to ensure I m fully nude before all sexual activites begin failure to do so will result in me reiceiving a punishent before sexual activites can resume. I will also not cover my mouth or make any attemot to silence y moans unless instructed to do so. I will never deny myself or my body from my fiance and will always give him free access to make love to me at any time or place he chooses. I will not tell him how short or long any sex activity will last and will enjoy evey minet and every inch I am given. I will also ensure to keep my legs spread wide during sex to allow my fiance to go as deep into me as he would like. I will strive to keep every inch of me smooth and clean shaven as my fiance loves my smooth silky skin. During sex I will make sure to massage my fiances body looking for pleasure spots to make sure I am givng him as much pleasure as possible.
C doesnt think she is that sexy email if you disagree.
S & K -