Jess - 1

Outdoor Dare

Outdoor Dare


First we stopped by at a lovely chinese Restaurant (our favourite food!) It started out totally harmless, not expecting anything. After that my Bf suggested to take my coat and top off behind a wall. No chance, the waitress was just too close, cleaning. So we left the restaurant. We were just about to get in the car, when I suggested to take my coat and top off behind another wall, but public in a parking house. iiiek. Not to mention all the video cameras hiding. After that, we walked quickly to the car, where I started to take off all my clothes. My bf drove for a while, not knowing what would come next. He drove in to a street, with lots of lights. And a couple just walking by. I was allowed to wear only my coat and to get out of the car. I ordered me to lay down in the middle of the street, with my legs open, and covering also my cunt. Aha. Gosh was I hella nervous. Not to mention it was freezing cold!!! After getting those pics done, we drove a little longer, until I had the idea to pull in to another street and give my bf a BJ. ;) There were some cars driving by but I was so sure NOBODY could see us. I was wrong...we were outside,me naked, giving my bf a Bj... UNTIL, a saw flashing lights!! A car!! OMG?! I ran like a crazy chicken to the car and slammed the door. I knew it was too late, the driver saw me. After he drove away my bf opened the door and started to laugh. I couldn't help it but laugh too. XD So we went back again, hoping that another car won't see us this time. Back in the car, I thought everything would be over..but no, we stopped at a bridge, where cars we're driving by (under the bridge). So my bf had the idea, to open my coat and show my boobs to these "passing by" cars. lol. One thing that was awful for me was...I didn't have my shoes back on, couldn't feel anything, numb. It was my fault though. Not listening to my bf. I couldn't walk hardly at all. I was probably ready to just fall over. I could warm up a little bit in the car, but I still wasn't done with my dare... the last idea was to stop at the side of the inner state and take one last shot of me behind a pole naked. I was very lucky not to get caught this time. ;) I was so happy when I got back in the car to put back on my clothes. What a relief. But thinking was very fun and exciting!:) I am looking forward to summer though..high temperatures!

Hope you all enjoy this real story, and looking forward for some dare ideas?:)

xx Jess - jess_sweets @













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