The weather was wonderful this past weekend so D and I decided to take advantage of it. We took so many pictures of our adventure over 2 days that we had to break them up and will send them to you over the next few weeks.
They start with D at a nearby boat ramp and playground. Then we moved to a friendly institute of higher learning and its user friendly library. The last pictures were what D showed me when I was outside taking pictures of the scenery and the great view she had looking out the window.
We are always asked if there are any others around when we are exposing ourselves to nature. When we were at the boat ramp there were many people launching and recovering their boats and pulling into and out of the parking lot. The school�s windows look out onto a crowded street and when D was in the hotel window all anyone had to do was to look for what I was taking a picture of. We don�t know for sure if we were seen but we met many smiles during our stay at the hotel.
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