This past weekend my wife and I had time to ourselves after dropping the kids at school. They both had sleepovers that began right when school ended! Bonus. While H was dropping the kids off at school I send a text to her asking if she was ready to be my submissive slut this weekend�the answer was "YES". These were taken on Friday�morning and afternoon.
The first few pics are of what she needed to do in order to convince me�strip down to bra and panties in the garage, open the garage door, and then send a text with the words "Your slut is ready for inspection, sir". I heard her come in the garage including closing the garage door behind her.
She fiddled with the note I left her taped to the door leading into the apartment on the position i wanted her in when I opened the door. It was a few minutes and she popped her head in the door and said that she didn't know if she could open the garage door. You see, it was morning time and a lot of people would be walking by to get to their cars to go to work.
I just sat on the couch and gave her a look. She then closed the door�.and then i heard it! the opening of the garage door! After that I received the text I wanted. the first shot is what I saw when I opened the door.
It started with that. The other pics are of what I had her do and pose for me. When i asked her if she knew what I was going to do with the pictures she promptly stated that they were going to go up on the TODP site. Here are the first few. There will be another post to share the rest of them.
I didn't want to put too many in one email. I hope everyone enjoys them and definitely let us and her know what you think. Part of the weekend was for her to agree to respond to the emails she gets�so all of you who wrote in the past please reply and she will respond this time :)
Next time I am going to break out the big camera and the studio lights :) I used to be a professional photographer and still have some equipment!!
todpgirl @ gmail.com